Please do not add fan-made or AI-generated art of any kind to this gallery! Any images not provided by Bandai Namco Entertainment and the Tekken series - such as fanarts, edits, wallpapers, AI-generated, etc. - are not accepted and will be promptly deleted .
Art and Renders [ ]
Alternate panel. (Artwork by Jbstyle)
Alternate panel. (Artwork by Tomio Fujisawa)
Alternate panel. (Artwork by Junny)
Alternate panel. (Artwork by Shunya Yamashita)
Screenshots [ ]
Akuma in one of his disguised forms in
Pocket Fighter , one of his
customizations .
Akuma surges lightning during his battle against Heihachi.
Akuma's first appearance during Tekken 7 Story Mode
Akuma listens to
Kazumi's offer after she has recovered from her fever and attacking her
husband .
Art and Renders [ ]
Official CG art. (Two Star Akuma)
Screenshots [ ]
Akuma during the reveal trailer in Tekken (Mobile).
Akuma is about to shoot Gohadoken on Jin
Akuma unleashes his Tatsumaki Zankukyaku
Akuma hits Jin with Goshoryuken
Akuma preparing his Wrath of the Raging Demon Rage Art
Akuma surges the purple lightning on his right fist during his win pose
Non-Tekken games [ ]
See: Akuma's SFxTK Gallery on the Street Fighter Wiki
Akuma in a SFxTK trailer.
Akuma in a SFxTK trailer.
Akuma in a SFxTK trailer.
Akuma in a SFxTK trailer.