Bo Montana (ボウ・モンタナ Bō Montana?), also known as Rodeo (ロデオ?) was an exclusive character in Tekken (Mobile), that was unlocked by reaching the 4th milestone on the pre-registrations.
Bo Montana was a Quarterback football player in college, where he dominated the competitions all over the States. He took this dedication to the military service. Bo had a perfect combat record, until he was sent to fight Revenant. His squad was ambushed and their life force stolen by Revenant. Bo Montana now goes after the Revenant to reclaim his friends strength and complete his mission.
He was a star athlete in college, captain of the football team and dominated in competitions across the state. He transferred his ability from the football field to the battlefield. He had a perfect combat record until that one fateful mission. While on deployment, his squad was ambushed by Revenant, stripping his friends of their life force. Now he must destroy Revenant, reclaim his comrades' lost strength, and complete their mission.
- The two-star Rodeo was released for free to all players to celebrate the game's launch on March 1, 2018.
- He could be obtained for free by doing a pre-registration in the official website of Tekken (Mobile) before the game was launched world-wide.
- His real name of Bo Montana may be derived from the names of two famous American football legends: Bo Jackson and Joe Montana.
- Some of his attacks are similar to Craig Marduk and Miguel due to his occupation as a football player and a U.S. Marine.
- He has three costume variants, which means he is the first one in the new characters to have more than two.
- He is the only one from the new characters who owns a rage art.
- His act during the live events is Red, White and Bo which is a play on the color of the United States flag consists of, Red, White and Blue.
- His other act during the live events is Time to Bo Down which references the phrase of Time to go down