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List of quotes for Claudio Serafino.

Tekken 7[]

Intro Win
Niente di più facile.
(This is going to be easy.)
Che la luce di Sirio disperda le tenebre!
(May the light of Sirius extinguish the shadows!)
Non c'è spazio per i dilettanti.
(This is no place for amateurs.)
Niente male.
(Not bad.)
Non farmi perdere tempo, vattene!
(Do not waste my time, Get out of here!)
Forse ho esagerato...
(I may have gone too far...)
Sarà un piacere, combattere contro di te*.
(It'll be my pleasure to fight you.)

Rage Art
Il mio potere!
(Feel my power!)

During Starburst

* Claudio only says this quote in his Character Episode.


Tekken 7 - Claudio Serafino (Voice Collection)

Tekken 8[]

Intro Win
Niente di più facile.
(This is going to be easy.)
Perdonami, devo adempiere al mio dovere.
(I'm sorry, I cannot stop until I fulfill my duty.)
Non c'è spazio per i dilettanti.
(This is no place for amateurs.)
Che la luce di Sirio disperda le tenebre!
(May the light of Sirius extinguish the shadows!)
Luce di Sirio, risplendi al massimo!
(Sirius, shine your bright light here!)
Forse ho esagerato...
(I may have gone too far...)
Ti mostrerò che hai davvero bisogno di noi.
(I'll show you just how much you need our help.)
(Vs. Victor)
Dovete seguire la nostra guida.
(You lot ought to follow our lead.)
(Vs. Victor)
Questo è l'unico modo per fermarti.
(It would seem... this is the only way to stop you.)
(Vs. Xiaoyu)
Troppo tardi...
(I failed to make it on time.)
(Vs. Zafina)1
Il sigillo è arrivato al limite...!
(So the seal is all but broken...!)
(Vs. Zafina)
Ti annienterò, demone!
(Perish, demon!)
(Vs. Devil Jin)
Lurido demone, preparati.
(Fear my light, o foul demon.)
(Vs. Kazuya and Devil Jin)2
Perirai nella mia luce... Azazel!!
(Vanquish before my light... Azazel!)
(Vs. Azazel)3

1,3Claudio only says these lines in his Character Episode.
2Claudio only says this line to Devil Jin in his Character Episode.

Battle Quotes
Santo cielo.
(My goodness.)
(after absorbing attacks while performing Judgment Claw)
(during Stella Cadente)
(during Aurora Panctum)
(during Prayer into the Void and Avaritia Burst)
(My mother!)[1]
(during Sudden Shadow)
(You should be ashamed…)
(during Ki-charge)
(Let's go.)
(at match point)
(after opponent performs a throw break)
Rage Art
Il mio potere!
(Feel my power!)
Il bagliore di Sirio purifica tutto.
(Nothing can prevail over the light of Sirius.)
Nessuna pietà!
(I will show no mercy.)
Risplendi, Sirio!
(Light of Sirius...)
Purifica il mondo dal male!
(May you purify the star of destruction!)
(Vs. Kazuya and Devil Jin)


  1. ^ Though this translates literally to "my mother/mom", it is used an expression of surprise, fear, or joy.