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List of quotes for Miguel.

Intro and Win Quotes[]

Tekken 6 []

Intro Win
Don't take it personally. And I just had confession...
Have you been read your last rights? I wish could stay, but I've got things to do.
Agh ... if you insist. You should choose your fights more wisely.
I've no time for you. Keep it up and you'll get yourself killed
Unfortunately for you, I am having a bad day.
This hatred I bear is for you, and you alone!

Tekken Tag Tournament 2[]

Intro Win
"(sighs) Has que valga la pena"
((sighs) Do not waste my time.)
Te vas de gratis"
(You're free.)
"¡Que suplicio, vamos allá!"
(What a chore. Very well, let's fight!)
"Me estais empezando has fastidiar"
(You are starting to annoy me.)
"Yo me encargo de esto."
(I got this.)

Tekken 7[]

Intro Quotes Win Quotes
Argh ... si insistes.
(Agh ... if you insist.)
Justo hoy, que tenía que confesarme...
(And I just had confession...)
Desgraciadamente para ti, hoy tengo un mal día.
(Unfortunately for you, I am having a bad day today.)
Sigue así y te acabarán matando.
(Keep it up and you'll get yourself killed)
¡Te odio a ti y solo a ti!*
(This hatred I bear is for you, and you alone!)

¡Eh! ¿Qué miras?
(Hey! What are you looking at?)

* Miguel only says this quote in his Character Episode.

Rage Art
Qué pesado... ¡Parece que estás a punto de perder! ¡Apártate de mi vista!
(What a nuisance ...It looks like you're about to lose! Get out of my sight!)

Tekken 7 - Miguel Caballero Rojo (Voice Collection)

In Game Quotes[]

Tekken 6[]

Main article: Miguel Caballero Rojo/Scenario Campaign Dialogues