Super Art, formerly known as Super Combo is an enhanced special move from the Street Fighter Series. In The King of Fighters Series, it is known as Super Special Move. Eliza's case, it is dubbed Blood Drive.
The Super Art returns in Tekken 7, but only available for specific characters, serving as a replacement of Rage Drive. Unlike Rage Drive, Super Arts can be reused anytime through refilling the characters' respective Super gauge.
The Super Art only takes two sections of the three-section Cross Gauge to perform, no matter which character is chosen. It is also possible to perform Super Arts without spending meter by Super Charging certain moves.
Super Arts do not cause any Provisional Damage as the attack causes it's own damage where most other attacks leave a percentage that can be recovered from the health they take away. Unlike throws and Cross Arts, Super Arts do not take away any remaining recoverable health alongside the damage. When the opponent is using Cross Assault, Super Arts go into cinematics as usual assuming their connection requirements are met and use the remaining time of the opponent but do not automatically end the assault as Cross Arts will. Using a Cross Art while in Cross Assault mode will end the remaining time if done via command but will not automatically end if done via the normal or EX version of a character's Super Charge, though the Cinematics will take up the time of the assault as usual.
In Street Fighter x Tekken, King and Akuma are the two only characters that have two Super Arts. While Geese is the only character with two Super Arts (three if counting Raigou Midaretsuki, an auto combo to Raigou Reppuken) in Tekken 7.