Type J were robots created by Doctor Bosconovitch, developed for the criminal organization Kometa. They serve as antagonists in the Tekken spin-off game Death by Degrees.
Three of the robots are located on the Amphitrite. They are named "J Robots" because, like Type J, the letter "J" is inscribed on their abdomens. These robots are concealed in cases. These cases are unlocked with the non-contact type IC key that has the letter "J" inscribed on the handle, with the exception of the first Type J, which can go out of the case on its own.
The Type J robots are massive robots several times taller than a human. Two robots somewhat resemble a four-legged animal like a dog or lion, the other two can also stand on two legs like a human. Their heads are humanoid, with red glowing eyes and a metal 'halo' around the crown of their heads.
The first Type J is a dark grey color, equip with two claws, has a quadrupedal and bipedal mode, has the ability to climb on the walls and ceiling and is also equipped with a flamethrower on it's mouth, a cannon that shoots shuriken like projectiles that goes around Nina. They also explode once they track Nina with red lasers.
The Cage-fight Type J has a red paintjob with a pattern on it's surface. Its a bipedal only robot that is equip with a flail and electronic baton. It is the only J-Robot that does not have a weapon on it's mouth.
The Type J found in the reception area has a chrome-finish to its armor. It is equip with dual machine guns, a claw on the right arm and a cannon on the left, and two guns on its back that shoots missiles and a flamethrower on its mouth. Like the red robot, it also a bipedal only robot.
The Type J found in the engine room has a camouflaged paint-job. Unlike the others, it’s a quadrupedal only robot, using its small treads to zoom around the engine room. It's main weaponry are twin blades on it's shoulders and a laser beam that is shot from it's face instead of a flamethrower.
Story []
Death By Degrees[]
Type J is a robot that was created by Doctor Boskonovitch and taken by Lukas Hayes as a part of his revenge against the people that shut him down. Type J is encountered at the Solitaria Penitentiary. It is named "Type J" because the letter "J" is inscribed on its abdomen.
Type J chases Lukas Hayes in the opening movie, it is not seen but can be heard running, roaring, and watching Lukas from its tracking system. Lukas manages to escape, but only to be ambushed by Enrique Ortega and a bunch of armed men. Type J is next seen walking around in a cutscene. During a call with Alan, many soldiers were heard fighting the robot. Type J makes it formal appearance watching Anna Williams and Nina Williams fight on an old bridge. It jumps down onto the bridge and falls through it bringing Anna down. Anna falls on Lukas Hayes and they eventually fall on sandbags. Anna earlier knocked Lukas through the bridge, but he luckily got caught in ropes. Anna apparently flees and Lukas becomes Type J's new target.
Nina successfully guides Lukas through the tunnels to escape from Type J, but it attacks Nina after. Later, Alan Smithee shows up and activates a prototype of Salacia that weakens Type J on one side of the room. After Nina defeats Type J or buys Alan time to power up the Salacia prototype, it is hit with a huge blast that almost destroys it. Alan and Nina goes to rescue Lukas from Enrique, but they couldn't get to Enrique's location until Type J comes back and smashes through the doors. Enrique is knocked out of the room and Lukas runs away to safety.
Nina confronts Enrique, but he warns her by saying she should worry about Type J instead. Enrique suggests that they be partners, but Nina refuses and fight him along with Type J. If Nina or Enrique come in contact with Type J, it will hurt them. Eventually during the fight, Type J will permanently shut down and it is left at the Solitaria Penitentiary.
The J Robots are some of the bosses that Nina Williams, the game's protagonist, must fight. They were also created by Doctor Bosonovitch and commissioned by Lana Lei. After each robot is defeated, a crystal Xiangqi piece is obtained. The point of these pieces is to take them all to the captain's room and place them in the chess board. After doing this, the Captain’s Room will be revealed.
"Electrical" J Robot (Soldier)[]
This J Robot is found in the arena of the ship where the fighting tournament took place. It was present the following day after the tournament. This J Robot is red with a Chinese motif, and it has an electrical arm. Once Nina uses the J Key, the cage of the arena falls down as it activates the robot. It usually attacks by electrocuting the cage that surrounds them. It will also attack by punching Nina, using quick "dash" attacks, using a ball and chain that is concealed in its other arm (the non-electrical arm), and spinning around with the ball and chain released. Nina will get hurt if she comes in contact with its electrical arm. After this J Robot is defeated, a crystal Xiangqi piece is obtained. The Chinese character for "soldier" is engraved on it.
"Eye Beam" J Robot (Knight)[]
This J Robot is found in the engine room. This J robot has a camouflage design on it. It uses an eye beam and two blades that open and close like scissors. This J Robot can only be on all fours like Type-J. It can also run around the room pretty quickly, and Nina will get damaged is she comes in contact with the J Robot while it is doing this. After this J Robot is defeated, a crystal Xiangqi piece is obtained. The Chinese character for "horse" is engraved on it (this is also called a "Knight Piece").
"Machine Guns" J Robot (General)[]
This J Robot is found in the foyer of the meeting room. It is an all chrome robot that has two machine guns on its left and right sides. Once Nina uses the J-Key, the doors will be locked and barred by a railing. It usually attacks by firing its machine guns. Like the original Type J, it can also breathe fire and fire missiles. It also has cannons on its back that fires missives that will follow Nina. After this J Robot is defeated, a crystal Xiangqi piece is obtained. The Chinese character for "general" is engraved on it
Character Relationships[]
- The original was created by Doctor Bosconovitch. It tried to kill him before the events of the game, but he survived.
- Taken by Lukas Hayes, after Doctor Bosconovitch left it behind, he aided him in his plans to get revenge on the people that shut him down.
- Attacks and attempts to kill Anna Williams, Nina Williams, and Lukas Hayes at Solitaria Penitentiary.
- The original Type J was destroyed by both Nina Williams and Alan Smithee.
- The other Type J-Robots were commissioned by Lana Lei for the cruise ship Amphitrite.
- The other Type J-Robots were destroyed by Nina Williams.
- The Red Type-J robot’s winning cutscene mimics one of the winning poses of Heihachi Mishima, which was used by the latter in the game.