Tekken Wiki
Tekken Wiki

Hey, so I was checking out the game modes in TTT2 and I noticed there were two pages of the same mode: one by the name of Fight Lab and the other as "Fight Lab Mode". I realized it was completely pointless to have two different articles about the same concept. Plus, most of the sections on the Fight Lab Mode page were copied from the original Fight Lab article. However, both pages have valuable information that would be best intertwined into one single convenient article that addresses both aspects as explained. I like the overall format of the former page but the original goes more into detail but does require section format. I didn't want to delete anything yet without letting the fellow editors know of a concern I would like opinions on and of quite possibly a major change that would affect the community. I am just kind of torn at the moment. Any ideas on how to merge both pages and maintain a stable format in a neat, organized fashion?